LizKi给艺术家朋友们的信件 2019年11月14日,LizKi给所有当时参加艺术慈善活动的艺术家写了一封信告诉大家一个迟到的好消息:Hi dear all,long time no see, I hope everything goes well with you
lovely guys. Here's some good and late news for you . Finally I have selected and decided to donate the leftover(with my estimated
interests) of our charity money to the WaveLib of "New Citizen
Program": 5320 RMB.大家好,好久不见,希望你们一切都好! 我想在此告诉大家⼀个迟到的好消息:我代表Basement 6向新公⺠计划的“微澜图书馆”捐款5320元(这是我们“地下余震”的剩下的善款,并加了一点利息)。I heard about this program long ago, but by 2017 winter, there was no
proper way / program to donate. Just 2 days ago, I heard a radio
show, a woman who worked for “WaveLib” interviewing a young boy.
Then I know what they keep on doing and after a long discussion with
the related staff of this foundation , I believe this money goes to the
right purpose.我听说这个组织有一段时间了,但在2017年冬天那时却苦于找不到合适的项⽬和渠道(各⽅面原因吧)。直到前两天听到了⼀个电台节目,
直在坚持做的事情。经过和这个公益组织的负责⼈的详聊,我决定捐款。”WaveLib” dedicates to help those young children who live with their
parents in metropolitan cities, specifically , those parents who worked
with a low income and unstable life state. .They are not only building
the library(WaveLib) for those kids, but also constructing a
professional system to accompany their growth and document / track
their changes both in life level and psychology level.“微澜图书馆“致⼒于帮助和⽗母一起来到大城市生活的”流动儿童“(相对“留守儿童”的概念“),他们的⽗母往往都是低收入,做临时⼯。但幸运的是⾄少他们可以和⽗母⼀起⽣活,感受到直系亲属的关爱。该项目不仅是购买书籍、运营图书馆同时也在建立一个专业的陪护系统,
关注和记录他们的成长,无论是⽣活还是⼼理层面。You could find more details by reading all those documents as
below你可以通过这几个链接了解更多:1.关于微澜图书馆的介绍About WaveLib :
2.电台节⽬目 radio show(scan the QR code):3. if you are interested by helping more, here is the donation poster.(you could save this pic, and open it to scan in the app Alipay)如果你想更多的帮助到他们可以扫描这张海报的二维码。(需要通过支付宝扫描)Here’s a brief intro about how ’s the money goes:这是地下余震善款的走向:
In short, finally I could proudly announce that all the money raised
form “Under Ground After Shock” has been donated to help exactly
those people who were involved by those cold and rigid policy.Even the situation nowadays is getting worse, the hatred and
misunderstanding between different backgrounds or roots are publicly
spread and encouraged.. Still , we have capability to help and care
each other.现在终于可以松⼀口⽓说,大家的钱都花出去了!而且是真的⽤在了我们当初想要去帮助的那些⼈身上。这些⽇子眼⻅着从全球语境来看的大环境似乎也未好转,反倒不同背景和根源之间的仇恨误读不断的被放⼤和传播,希望我们仍然保持一份“仁者爱⼈”的坚持。。。LizKi2019.11.14